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‘The Front Porch’: USU Officials Talk Athletics’ Role at Institution

Utah’s Herald Journal News examined the academic and athletic spending trends at Utah State University. Data from the Knight Commission’s Athletic and Academic Spending Database are cited. In discussing the comparisons of spending per athlete and spending per student, Knight Commission Executive Director Amy Perko is quoted: Perko said a better “financial framework” for universities

Knight Commission Comments on NCAA Working Groups Appointed to Address Priority Issues

Knight Commission co-chairmen Brit Kirwan and Gerald Turner released the following statements in support of the NCAA’s appointment of working groups to address values-based revenue distribution and various components of the Division I sport organizational structure. “The Knight Commission is extremely pleased that a working group will examine a values-based revenue distribution system. The commission

Costs to Students for NCAA Sports Shown by State Audit

KSL Broadcasting in Salt Lake City, Utah, published an article about an audit conducted by the Office of the Utah State Auditor that examined the amount of subsidies provided to support the athletics programs at eight public state institutions. The subsidies examined in the report are provided through tuition waivers, student fees, state funds and

In Remembrance of Elson S. Floyd, 1956-2015

Dr. Elson S. Floyd, former Knight Commission member and President of Washington State University, died June 20, 2015 at the age of 59. Dr. Floyd joined the Knight Commission in November 2003 and served until his resignation in early May 2015. His obituary and a tribute to his contributions to higher education can be found

Knight Commission Urges A Student-Centered Approach in College Sports

[ Sessions and video with experts on anti-tax law and current litigation impacting college sports; educational goals; and professional standards for coaches ]

The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics convened leaders in athletics administration and experts in antitrust and tax law, public policy and economics to examine pressing issues in college sports and concluded that universities must apply a more laser-like focus on the educational experience of students who compete in intercollegiate athletics.

Knight Commission to Examine the Impact of Changes to College Athlete Image Rights and Other Regulatory Issues

Discussion to include consideration of O’Bannon ruling and effects of other legal challenges to current college sports model Who: The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics, co-chaired by William E. “Brit” Kirwan, chancellor, University System of Maryland, and R. Gerald Turner, president, Southern Methodist University, will be joined by experts in public policy, economics, and antitrust

Knight Commission Updates Athletic and Academic Spending Database

The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics has updated its Athletic & Academic Spending Database for NCAA Division I to include the most recent academic and athletic data from the 2012-2013 academic year. The database provides unprecedented access to academic, athletic and football spending data for more than 220 public universities. The Commission created the database

Collaborative Efforts to Strengthen Educational Opportunities Through College Sports

Link here to download as PDF MEMORANDUM To: NCAA Division I Board of Directors NCAA Division I Council Mark A. Emmert, President, National Collegiate Athletic Association From: William E. Kirwan and R. Gerald Turner, Co-Chairmen Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics Subject: Collaborative Efforts to Strengthen Educational Opportunities through College Sports Date: March 16, 2015 Over

Tribute to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C.

The Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, founding co-chairman of the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics and president emeritus of the University of Notre Dame, died February 26, 2015. He was 97. Father Hesburgh was co-chairman with William C. Friday, president emeritus at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, when the Knight Commission was formed in 1989