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Just how much do colleges make from bowl games?

A Hartford Courant article quotes Knight Commission Executive Director Amy Perko: “There is a myth that exists that going to a bowl game is a financial windfall for the university.” While the University of Connecticut received $1.2 million from the Big East Conference for its participation in the Meineke Car Care Bowl, the university spent

Promoter cancels spring football concerts

The Gridiron Bash, a series of concerts tied in to spring (i.e., exhibition) football games at some of the country’s largest universities, has been cancelled by its promoters after the NCAA pointed out that having athletes participate and giving them free tickets would be violations of its rules. The concerts had been scheduled to take

Graduation Rates and 2008 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament Teams

Graduation Rates and 2008 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament Teams Forty-one of the 65 teams in the 2008 NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Tournament are graduating at least 50 percent of their players, according to a report published by the University of Central Florida’s Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sports. The figures are calculated by

Faculty Summit on Intercollegiate Athletics

[ Sessions and audio with faculty on athletics issues; faculty governance; academic integrity; and strategies ]

The summit included a presentation of findings from the Faculty Perceptions of Intercollegiate Athletics Survey. The survey presentation served as the context for panelists and interactive sessions relating to the role of faculty engagement in athletics issues, faculty governance, academic integrity, case studies of athletics crises, and strategies for faculty to consider.

Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics Reacts to NCAA Task Force Report Published Today

Contact: Stacey Finkel, Widmeyer Communications 202.667.0901 Welch Suggs, Knight Commission 404.771.7753 October 30, 2006 The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics commends the National Collegiate Athletic Association and the 50 current and former presidents and higher education leaders who served on the NCAA Presidential Task Force on the Future of Division I Intercollegiate Athletics. The report

Knight Commission Poll Finds Americans Deeply Concerned About College Sports

The focus of the summit was academic reform through the eyes of students and athletes. What standards should a college adopt to determine when commercialism in funding research or athletics is too much? Is it only dollars that matters in the search for knowledge? Intercollegiate athletics as a subset of academe also has values. The summit also investigated behavioral issues relating to students and athletes.

May 2004 – Challenging the Myth: A Review of the Links Among College Athletic Success, Student Quality, and Donations

by Robert H. Frank Henrietta Johnson Louis Professor of Management and Professor of Economics Johnson Graduate School of Management Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 Prepared for the Knight Foundation Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics May 2004 Download PDF Abstract Do successful college athletic programs stimulate additional applications from prospective students and greater contributions by alumni and