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Knight Commission Recommends a New Governing Structure for the Sport of FBS Football

[ NCAA would govern all other sports in reorganized Division I governance ]

After a year-long examination, the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics called today for major governance changes for Division I sports, proposing a new governing entity for the sport of football at the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) level, separate from the NCAA. The NCAA would govern all other sports in a reorganized Division I governance, and schools with FBS football programs would remain part of the NCAA in all other sports except football.

Knight Commission to Announce Major Recommendations to Transform the NCAA Division I Model

[ Proposed reforms will culminate year-long examination of college sports ]

On Thursday, Dec. 3, the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics will release its recommendations for significant reform of the NCAA Division I model. The proposed reforms will be unveiled at the fourth and final virtual forum of the Knight Commission’s year-long examination of Division I, Transforming the NCAA D-I Model: A 4-Part Series.

Knight Commission to Release Major Survey of Division I Leaders at Forum on Oct. 13

[ Results reveal campus leaders' views on pressing issues facing college sports and proposals for transformative change ]

On Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2020, the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics will release results of a groundbreaking survey of Division I campus leaders’ opinions on significant college sports reforms proposals, such as capping sports’ budgets and major reorganizations of the current Division I model. The reorganizations surveyed include creating a new NCAA division for Power 5 sports and separating FBS football into its own independent, operating entity.

Knight Commission to Seek Changes to How NCAA Distributes March Madness Revenue

[ TODAY: Commission to discuss new analysis that highlights inequities in the annual NCAA distribution formula ]

The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics today will propose in a virtual public session changes to the NCAA’s March Madness revenue distribution, which sends nearly $600 million to its 351 Division I schools every year. In addition to this direct funding to Division I schools, March Madness revenues support both NCAA operations and 90 national championships for 24 sports across all three membership divisions, which include more than 1,000 colleges and universities.