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Knight Commission Calls for Collective Action on Spending

From the NCAA News: Members of the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics called for NCAA presidents and chancellors to take “collective action” to moderate rates in the growth of athletics spending that have outpaced those in higher education overall (for full article, link here) May 12, 2009 – Knight Commission Meeting Press Release, Audio Podcasts,

Knight Commission Criticizes Commercialization of College Athletes in Fantasy Sports, New Media

[ Sessions and audio with experts on commercialism and athletes' rights in college sports; impact of the media on college sports; fantasy sports; and reporting of financial data ]

The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics met on October 27 to discuss the emerging conflict between new forms of media and long-standing NCAA rules designed to protect athletes from commercial exploitation. The Commission also announced it would pursue a year-long series of meetings and research on the economics of college sports, with a particular focus on why expenses are rising faster than revenues at virtually all Division I athletics programs.

News Release: Americans are concerned about college sports

Knight Commission Poll Finds Americans Are Concerned About College Sports Professionalism in college sports, among topics at Washington, D.C. Summit (WASHINGTON, JAN. 30)– Americans are deeply concerned about the professionalization of college sports, according to a new poll conducted for the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics. Concerns about how the increasing pressure to win and

The NCAA and Academic Progress Rates

“The Knight Commission has long advocated that teams be required to meet minimum academic standards to participate in championship competition. The latest data on academic progress rates and the determination of team penalties is a positive step in necessary reform. Nevertheless, it is too early to tell if the possible penalties will change recruiting behavior

Knight Commission Announces New Co-Chairmen

WASHINGTON—The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics today named R. Gerald Turner and Clifton R. Wharton Jr. co-chairmen. Wharton was a member of the Commission at its founding in 1989 and Turner joined in 1991. Both men have been leaders in the effort to ensure that college athletics programs are conducted according to the educational missions

Georgetown President John J. DeGioia Joins Knight Commission

WASHINGTON—Following a working meeting here, the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics announced that John J. DeGioia has joined the Commission. President of Georgetown for the past five years, DeGioia has been an administrator and professor at the Washington, D.C., institution since his graduation in 1979. At its meeting, the Knight Commission reviewed a final draft

Knight Commission to meet June 17 to discuss academic reforms, penalties for major rules violations

FOR RELEASE—May 14, 2008. CONTACT AND RSVP: Brian Wachur, Widmeyer Communications, 202.667.0901 or Media Advisory Georgia Tech men’s basketball coach Paul Hewitt and University of Hartford President Walt Harrison to discuss the academic challenges in men’s basketball and the impact of academic reforms Who: R. Gerald Turner, President of Southern Methodist University and Co-Chairman

Knight Commission to Meet Oct. 27 to Discuss Publicity Rights, Fantasy Games, and Commercialism

FOR RELEASE —October 1, 2008 CONTACT AND RSVP: Katie Reardon, Widmeyer Communications, 202.667.0901 x150 or Media Advisory KNIGHT COMMISSION TO MEET OCT. 27 AT NATIONAL PRESS CLUB IN WASHINGTON, D.C. TO DISCUSS ATHLETES’ PUBLICITY RIGHTS, COLLEGE SPORTS FANTASY GAMES, COMMERCIALISM AND FINANCES Who: Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics chaired by William E. “Brit” Kirwan,

Tackling college football fantasy leagues

Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics co-chairs William E. Kirwan and R. Gerald Turner authored an opinion piece, below, published in the Los Angeles Times on August 30, 2008. This weekend, Terrapins, Trojans, Mustangs and more take to the gridiron, kicking off the college football season. This week also marks the start of a new era