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Knight Commission Tackles Diversity in College Sports

Diverse Issues in Higher Education published a story May 1 about the Knight Commission’s work to improve diversity in college sports leadership. The story focused on discussions at the Commission’s May 1 meeting in Washington on whether college sports should adopt a version of the “Rooney Rule,” the NFL policy that requires teams to interview minority

Knight Commission Challenges College Football Playoff on Diversity, Health

Inside Higher Ed posted a story May 2 on the Knight Commission’s challenge to the College Football Playoff to promote player health and player safety, and increase diversity in college sports leadership. The story summarized the Commission’s recommendations to reallocate money for these causes, made at the Commission’s May 1 meeting in Washington. It quoted

Washington Post Examines Leadership Diversity Issues Raised at Knight Commission Meeting

The Washington Post published an article on the NCAA’s diversity initiatives discussed at the May 1 meeting of the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics. The article focused on the NCAA’s recent voluntary “Pledge and Commitment to Promoting Diversity and Gender Equity in Intercollegiate Athletics,” and noted that 30 percent of NCAA member institutions had yet

Supplemental Background Documents Provided by Panelists

Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics: Public Meeting Agenda (Holeman Lounge) Video (session 1) Figures produced by Knight Commission of College Football Playoff 8:45 – 10:30 a.m. The Future of College Football: A Focus on Finances and Player Benefits and Protections Bob Bowlsby, commissioner, Big 12 Conference; chair, NCAA Football Oversight Committee Judy MacLeod, commissioner, Conference

Knight Commission Calls for Change in College Football Playoff Revenues to Address National Challenges Facing the Sport

[ Sessions and video with experts on football finances and benefits for players; and leadership diversity in football and basketball ]

The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics called for the College Football Playoff to invest some of its revenue for the first time in national initiatives supporting the health and safety of football players and in programs to increase diversity among football coaches. In addition, the Commission urged the College Football Playoff to follow the NCAA’s lead in adding current or former student-athletes to its board of managers.

May 1 Meeting – Racial and Gender Diversity of Division I Football and Men’s and Women’s Basketball

The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics called for the College Football Playoff to invest some of its revenue for the first time in national initiatives supporting the health and safety of football players and in programs to increase diversity among football coaches. In addition, the Commission urged the College Football Playoff to follow the NCAA’s lead in adding current or former student-athletes to its board of managers.

Big 12’s Bob Bowlsby: They’re College Athletes, Neither Amateurs Nor Pros

In its coverage of the Knight Commission meeting on May 1, USA TODAY focused on a controversial comment made by panelist Bob Bowlsby, commissioner of the Big 12 Conference, about student-athletes: “I don’t think they’re amateurs. They’re college athletes.” The story noted that Bowlsby said in an interview that American student-athletes are unique — “Doesn’t

To Arne Duncan, Winning Can’t Be the Only Thing in College Sports

USA Today recently interviewed Arne Duncan, co-chair of the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics and former U.S. Secretary of Education, about the current issues in college sports. The article notes, “Arne Duncan remembers as a child sitting around the dinner table as his family discussed sports, though not in the way other families talked about